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Floresco Sponsorship Opportunities

Orchid Level: $10,000 and above

20 tickets to be used or donated at your discretion; VIP Reception (sponsor + 1) with champagne and hors d'oeuvres one hour prior to event; 8 tables named in your honor with an Orchid centerpiece and advertising; Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations,* posters in the auction room, at the check-in table, all bars, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room; Recognition on the GHI website; And “Thank You” signage at middle and high schools for 2 weeks after the event. 

Rose Level: $8,000 and above

16 tickets to be used or donated at your discretion; VIP Reception (sponsor + 1) with champagne and hors d'oeuvres one hour prior to event; 4 tables named in your honor with a Rose centerpiece and advertising; Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations,* posters in the auction room & at the check-in table, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room; Recognition on the GHI website; And “Thank You” signage at middle and high schools for 2 weeks after the event.  

Peony Level: $5,000 and above

8 tickets to be used or donated at your discretion; VIP Reception (sponsor + 1) with champagne and hors d'oeuvres one hour prior to event; 2 tables named in your honor with a Peony centerpiece; Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations*, posters in the auction room & at the check-in table, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room; and Recognition on the GHI website.

Lily Level: $2,500

4 tickets to be used or donated at your discretion; 1 table named in your honor with a Lily centerpiece; Postings on Great Hearts PSO Facebook page; Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations*, posters in the auction room & at the check-in table, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room; and Recognition on the GHI website.

Tulip Level: $1,000

2 tickets to be used or donated at your discretion; Postings on Great Hearts PSO Facebook page; Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations*, posters in the auction room & at the check-in table, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room; and Recognition on the GHI website.

Daffodil Level: $750

1 ticket to be used or donated at your discretion; Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations*, posters in the auction room & at the check-in table, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room.

Petunia Level: $500+

Acknowledgement on all printed materials including invitations*, posters in the auction room & at the check-in table, scrolling banners in the dining & entertainment room.

Floresco Gala, April 6, 2024 6:30-11pm, Westin DFW